CSV to YAML Converter - Free Online CSV Converter

CSV to YAML Converter

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About our CSV to YAML Converter:

Our CSV to YAML Converter is one of the best user friendly online converter. This will convert comma delimited csv data to yaml data in yaml format easily. It also provides multiple options to users for providing their input to make the conversion easy. If you are looking for best CSV online converter, then our CSV converter is the best choice for you.

How to Use Free Online CSV Converter?

Our CSV to YAML Converter provides two options to get the input from users. Either users can upload their comma delimited file directly using the choose file button or they can just copy the comma separated values and paste it in the text box provided for the input.

Sample CSV input:
Introduction to Finance,4 weeks,199.99,Finance,Advanced Data Science,8 weeks,299.99,Data Science,Effective Teaching Strategies,6 weeks,149.99,Education,Personal Finance Management,5 weeks,99.99,Finance,Introduction to Programming,10 weeks,249.99,Computer Science

Once user provided the csv data and ready for the data conversion, they can simply click on convert csv to yaml button to start the converstion. If the conversion is completed successfully, the converted yaml data will be shown in the output box. With this user friendly option, Users can verify the data. if user is happy, they can simply copy the output and paste it anywhere they want. Also, the converted YAML format file will be available for them to download the data as single yaml formatted file.

Sample YAML output:
- category: Finance
  duration: 4 weeks
  price: 199.99
  title: Introduction to Finance
- category: Data Science
  duration: 8 weeks
  price: 299.99
  title: Advanced Data Science
- category: Education
  duration: 6 weeks
  price: 149.99
  title: Effective Teaching Strategies
- category: Finance
  duration: 5 weeks
  price: 99.99
  title: Personal Finance Management
- category: Computer Science
  duration: 10 weeks
  price: 249.99
  title: Introduction to Programming