Online HTML Minifier: Free HTML Compression Tool

HTML Minifier / HTML Compressor

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About our Online HTML Minifier & Free HTML Compression Tool:

Our Online HTML Minifier tool is one of the best and user friendly free HTML compression tool that helps web developers to reduce the HTML file size by compressing and removing unnecessary fields, characters, comma's, comments, duplicates and more. It is a good practice to keep the HTML file lesser for increasing the website page loading, HTML is also main resources in web site development. Keeping clean HTML code is recommended in order to maintain web sites resources easily.

How to Use free HTML Compression online:

Our Online HTML Minifier is a free HTML compression tool that provides a nice user friendly form to users to provide the HTML file as input they need to minify HTML code. Users can provide their HTML file in two way. They can upload the HTML file directly using the 'choose file' button or simply they can copy and paste the HTML code directly on the text box we provided.

Example HTML input:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Simple HTML Example</title>

    <h1>Welcome to My Website!</h1>

    <p>This is a simple example of an HTML page.</p>

    <img src="" alt="Description of the image">


If User provided the HTML code input, by clicking on 'Minify HTML' button will initate minifying HTML. Our HTML compression toll will analyse the entire HTML file and will start compress HTML to reduce the HTML file size. Once HTML file is compressed successfully, Minified HTML code will be shown in the Minified HTML output text box.

With this HTML output feature, Users can easily verify the HTML code compression data. If they are happy with the HTML compression, they can directly copy the HTML code and use it or they can download the entire minified HTML file using the 'download file' button.